From The Publisher: The selection is based on a series of essays on contemporary writers published as The Book of Masks by the foremost critic and author of the period: Remy de Gourmont. (The "masks" are remarkable portrait drawings by Felix Vallotton.) De Gourmont's essays brilliantly evoke the pre-occupations of each author, their genius and shortcomings, while simultaneously describing, and contributing to, the literary theories of the movement. His introduction provides one of the most important overviews of Symbolism and describes its gradual subsidence into its "dark side": decadence. De Gourmont's book consisted solely of essays, but the editor of this anthology has added characteristic texts from each writer to accompany them. Nearly fifty are included, ranging from the extraordinary obscure and unjustly forgotten to the literary giants of the day. Here are works by Gide, Mallarme and Verlaine which have never before appeared in English.

From The Reader's Catalog(Barnes & Nobel): An important collection of fin-de-sicle writing including hard-to-find works by such figures as Leon Bloy, Rachilde, Gustave Kahn, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Marcel Schwob, and the American expatriate Stuart Merrill. With illustrations by Felix Vallotton



Editor's Preface . . . 7 

Remy de Gourmont  Texts from The Book of Masks, Colours, Proses Moroses and La Latin Mystique . . . 11

Paul Adam  From Tea at Miranda's, Second Evening: The Hague, pearl~grey ... and At The Railway-Station . . . 23 

Jean Moreas  From Tea at Miranda's, Second Evening: La Faenza . . . 29

Léon Bloy  Salamander The Vampire . . .  37 

André  Gide  The Tractate Narcissus, (Theory of the Symbol) . . . 43 

Paul Claudel  Five texts from The East I Know  . . . 5I 

Francis Jammes  Of  Things . . .  57 

Laurent Tailhade  Aristophanesque Poems . . . 61 

Pierre Quillard  Conversation Concerning the Lfe and Death of Ravachol . . . 67 

Rachilde  Frog-Killer . . .  73 

Alfred Vallette  In Perpetuum . . .  83 

Félix Fénéon  The Bird-Charmer, and selected 3 Line Novels . . .  89 

Camille Mauclair  Thus the Blood of the Spirit Cried Out  . . . 93 

Georges Eekhoud  Chardonnerette . . .  99 

Maurice Maeterlinck Poems from Hot-Houses . . . 107 

Tristan Corbière  Paris by Night, and Paris by Day . . .  113 

Jules Laforgue  The Aquarium . . .  117 

Arthur Rimbaud  Vowels, and Farewell . . . 121

Adoiphe Retté  From Thule of the Mists: Nightfumes . . . 125 

Robert de Montesquiou  Poems from Blue Hydrangeas, and Goldsmith & Glass-maker . . . 133 

Ephraïm Mikhaël  Miracles, and Armentaria  . . . 139 

Stuart Merrill  Miracles: Ecstasy, Apocalypse . . . 145 

Joris-Kari Huysmans  Saint Lydwine of Schiedam, and Chiorotic Ballad . . . 149 

Pierre Louÿs  A New Sensation and extracts from The Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners . . . 157 

Albert Samain  From Hyalis the Blue-Eyed Faun . . . 167 

Jehan Rictus  From Fil-de-Fer . . .  173 

Hugues Rebell  Dizzy Spells: Surprises, Night . . .  177 

Jean Lorrain  The Gloved Hand  . . .  183 

The Comte de Lautréamont  From Les Chants deMaldoror . . .  189 

Édouard Dujardin  The Iron Maiden . . . 195 

Gustave Kahn  Prose Interludes from Nomadic Palaces . . .  199 

Paul Verlaine  The Signpost . . .  205 

G-Albert Aurier  Nocturne  . . .  214 

Stéphane Mallarmé  With Upraised Nails... and The Supposed Old Woman  . . .  215 

Henri de Régnier  The Stoy of Hermagoras . . .  223

Jules Renard  From Natural Histories . . .  229 

Maurice Barrès  Hate Conquers All . . .  233 

Saint-Pol-Roux  Prose poems from Pauses in the Procession . . .  239

Francis Poictevin  Jacques: Dreams, Reveries and Parisian Sketches ... 249 

Paul Fort  The Queen of Queens & her Lover the Great Blue Lake . . .  257 

Ernest Hello  The Ntght~time Washerwoman . . .  261 

Émile Verhaeren  The Horse-Fair at Opdorp, and Rain . . .  269 

Villiers de L'Isle-Adam  Swan -Killer . . .  277 

Marcel Schwob  Four stories from The Book of Monelle, and one from The King in The Golden Mask . . .  279

Omitted authors . . .  293 

Notes . . .  295

Bibliography . . .  299 

Future issues of The Ark~ive & other Atlas publications . . .  301 

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